Thursday, September 28, 2006

My Sweet Homeschooled Kids

This gorgeous afternoon we ditched math in favor of painting in the sunshine. It was so wonderful! So we learned about Kadinsky and abstract expressionism, and on her own volition my little cutie said, "Don't worry mom, I'll double up on my math tomorrow."

I'm about to hear a duet between piano and viola as a birthday gift from these girls. They've apparently been planning this as a very special secret but haven't had much time to practice without me around. So they're practicing on the other side of the house and I'm awaiting their call.

Tomorrow we're having Medieval History instead of Science for our unit study time because the book we want isn't here yet. We're in cue for it at the library. No one minds though- Medieval history is so much fun! I can't decide whether we'll work on the timeline, read Story of the World tomorrow and make castles, or if we'll listen to What In the World's Going On Here again and try to draw pictures or take notes so we'll actually "get it." We learned from that curriculum that we are SO not auditory learners. I love the ideas in the guide, and love the stories, but I really need to read along in order to absorb any of it. So anyway, I think we're making castles. Sounds much more appealing. But I'll look in the guide and see if I can find anything else more interesting.

Oooh goody! It's showtime!